Plot Summary:An American television anthology series featuring animated short films starring Mighty Mouse. The series was credited with popularizing the Mighty Mouse character in popular culture far beyond what the original film shorts had done. Mighty Mouse was not extraordinarily popular in theatrical cartoons, but was still Terrytoons' most popular character. What made him a cultural icon was television.
Stalinabad • 太空飞鼠
太空飞鼠分为3部动画片:《大力鼠》、《大狗副警长》、《海克和杰克》(两只喜鹊)。 《大力鼠》--超人的老鼠版 大力鼠,就是老鼠版的超人。动画里,大力鼠和超人一样,穿着蓝色的紧身衣,内裤外穿,披着红色的...