Plot Summary:Traces the Beats from Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac's meeting in 1944 at Columbia University to the deaths of Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs in 1997. Three actors provide dramatic interpretations of the work of these three writers, and the film chronicles their friendships, their arrival into American consciousness, their travels, frequent parodies, Kerouac's death, and Ginsberg's politicization. Their movement connects with bebop, John Cage's music, abstract expressionism, and living theater. In recent interviews, Ginsberg, Burroughs, Kesey, Ferlinghetti, Mailer, Jerry Garcia, Tom Hayden, Gary Snyder, Ed Sanders, and others measure the Beats' meaning and impact.
秋晚1984 • 雨,雨,雨
雨,雨,雨 ——在七月触到风水花月的真面 这狂躁的雨生出肆意的优柔, 一只凤凰正要降生,或者正要陨落。 “疾,疾,疾”, 雷神重复着他一句话的台词, 所有在雨中的人是幸福的。 你不能依靠任何人,当你也...