Plot Summary:The story revolves around Rito Yuki, a high-school student who cannot confess to the girl of his dreams, Haruna Sairenji. One day when coming home and sulking in the bathtub, a mysterious, nude girl appears out of nowhere. Her name is Lala and she comes from the planet Deviluke, where she is the heir to the throne. Her father wants her to return to her home planet so she can marry one of the husband candidates. But she decides that she wants to marry Rito in order to stay on Earth. Commander Zastin has been ordered to bring Lala back and has already battled Rito. He reports to the emperor that Rito would be suited to marry Lala, after hearing Rito, who was actually defending himself instead of Lala, say that marriage is impossible unless it is with the person you love. Lala truly falls in love with Rito and decides that she wants to marry Rito after hearing what he said. Her father decides that, if Rito is able to protect Lala from her fiancés, then he can marry her. However, if Rito cannot protect Lala from her other fiancés and meet the king's expectations, Lala's father will kill Rito and destroy the Earth.
鹹濕肉丸胡辣湯 • 妹妹嫁我!!!!
妹妹嫁我!!!! 別人你們隨便拿走!!!美柑嫁我!!!! 妹妹出場太少了!!!!! 沒有妹妹出場還有甚么意義!!!!! 啊!!!!!!! 我只要妹妹啊!!!! 結城美柑!! 俺ノ嫁!! 嗚呼!! ...冰风魂精 • 各种纠结+郁闷
在迅雷网上看见评分还蛮高,就点进去看了几集,然后我发现我错了,动漫开篇就出现废材男主,我想说现在这种类型的男主真心不吃香了,然后又出来个异常天然的女主,剧情各种为了搞笑而搞笑,为了卖肉而卖肉,感觉.....windruin • 影评
2010.04.11 15:06 看的时候一头雾水,因为我想不起来我是看了什么下载的,里面讲什么,然后看了两集,想起来了,应该是后宫的,然后去查了查,果然,是后宫的,本来还不是那么不想看的,但是...近野成美 • 不好笑
本片定位可能是性感+搞笑吧?前者没得说,但搞笑部分不行,和银他妈比起来差远了。 分析一下原因,首先是男女主角的性格问题。都什么年代了,完全的清纯型和完全的天然型已经不存在了,请作者和编剧认清现实!在...CHOBiTS • 此动画为26集 国内暂时只能找到前12集,囧...