Plot Summary:The story is settled in the Middle Ages when three monotheistic religions coexisted and fought for power in the Spanish Peninsula: Christians, Muslims and Jews. The series mixes action, intrigue and love in the Castilian capital of Toledo. It shows us about all those who lived in the walls of a city full of ups and downs, labyrinths and shady hiding places.
VIVINY • 太弱智了
我是冲着托莱多来的。演员颜值高、演技在线,画面很美,追的很开心。剧情一如既往的拖沓,西剧就这么样了。看了几集后补充:前三集还行,后面越来越弱智了,老国王都要病死了,小王子成天吃喝嫖赌不务正业,一点.....TUTU • 旅游频道啊~
没去toledo真是遗憾。花园那个是在general life拍的吗? Cuando conocéis el punto debíl de un hombre le tenéis en vuestro...xudiren • 西班牙历史+宫廷大剧
早几年前,读林达的《西班牙旅行笔记》,对照以往所知道的西班牙历史,读得爱不释手。 过去两周,所观国外剧超出了此前只看美、英剧,扩及澳、加、西剧。所观第一部澳剧是《舞蹈学院》,将完结。前不久完成了全8...