Plot Summary:'Tupilaq' is a very personal short film revolving around the themes of cultural alienation, abuse, and contrast between mythological nature and western culture. Tupilaq gives a heartbreaking peek into a traditional Greenlandic background, in contrast to the every life of western society. In the film, this contrast is depicted through the repetitive monotony and the human distance of modern society - with its square buildings and faceless people - opposed to the natural beauty of the Greenlandic landscape, pictured as a unattainable world of an idealized painting. As the film balances between superstition and rationality, the film uses the Tupilaq as a symbol. The Tupilaq is both a symbol of the spirit of a forefather and a curse, which you can cast upon an enemy
作为6部短片的最后一部,真是太压抑了……坐最后排,旁边那有人养没人教育的熊孩子全程在大声说话家长就是不管,一直在吵吵着要看动画片。看到这部傻了吧!看得懂么。其实不看介绍,看到最后也明白了是原住民的问题。 2015-12-04 中国电影资料馆“极地光影展”开幕式《北方更北的青年》6部短片系列
相当风格化 表现人物心情变化只靠几帧粗暴转换的脸部表情。。。画风也很粗暴 。。。 把要体现的体现的很清楚
15.12.05 极地光影影展 一般般,画风有点丑怪
#北方更北的青年 唯一看懂了的短片,立意很简单嘛,画风不喜欢。