Plot Summary:We Margiela tells the untold and intimate story of the enigmatic and singular fashion house Maison Martin Margiela. For the first time co-founder Jenny Meirens and members of the creative team that formed the heart of the house speak about the creative processes and unique philosophy of Margiela. Their stories, told through detailed and intimate interviews, give unprecedented insight in the genesis of one of the most influential fashion houses of our time. The film investigates the legacy of Margiela and its relevance for fashion and authorship today. The unique innovations of the house, such as anonymity, re-usage, 'we' versus 'I,' and replica versus copy, turn out to be central concepts of our time. As the history of the house is told in parallel to the creative development and financial growth of Maison Martin Margiela, the film unravels notions of creativity, authorship, and financial return in our neoliberal times. However, the insights of We Margiela are not self-evident. ...
...从哪儿说起来呢?Heaven Raven在对布鲁塞尔margiela店主Nicola的访谈中提到,这部片子完全违背了Martin本人的意愿!甚至上映前没有给Martin本人看过!但个人觉得这还是一部很有营养的片子,至少对遥远东方我这样后Martin时代的margiela爱好者来说!
the artist is absent:(
向往那个时候,专心做事、没有什么庞大物欲的生活 看了dries纪录片 我觉得能把马老师拍的这么无聊也是一种能力
拍成这德行,乱到这地步,不如直接让我去看Maison Margiela维基百科好了