What’s 2020 mean to everyone?

A year with COVID throughout (and will keep in 2021) while all kinds of headlines pop up everyday. I hate coronavirus, and we still don’t know where it actually came from ( you can blame bats as they can’t speak for themselves). But I hate political correctness more, we can’t say anything inconsistent with the mainstream. I also hate social medias, it creates polarization, people are separated into different groups and hate each other.

What did we learn from this year? I don’t know. We all know it’s an awful year, but when thinking about the coming possibly worse future (and a possible WWIII as some predicted), maybe 2020 is just a beginning.

Because humans are fucking idiots

2020去死Death to 2020(2020)

又名:死于2020 / 再也不见2020


主演:塞缪尔·杰克逊 休·格兰特 丽莎·库卓 库梅尔·南贾尼 崔茜 

导演:阿尔·坎贝尔 Alice Mathias 
