
权力的游戏 第八季:the titles

Spoiler Alert
Sansa Stark, queen of thrusting cheekbones, lover of layered metal garment with a big copper ring, beloved founding mother of an independent Scotland.
Brandan Stark, appraiser of custom made wheelchair, narrator of creepy riddles, the orwellian drone recklessly flying around with a cctv camera.
Jon Snow, poster boy of confused melancholy, knower of nothing, doer of everything, 8 years of fashion icon of fur coating industry, the supposed main character with mere one line [ but she is my queen], the ultimate reminder of the fact that CONSENT MATTERS by constantly yelling [ I don't want it !!!]
Arya Stark: the discoverer of the caribbean islands.

权力的游戏 第八季Game of Thrones(2019)

又名:冰与火之歌 第八季 / 权游8 / Game of Thrones: The Final Season

主演:艾米莉亚·克拉克 基特·哈灵顿 彼特·丁拉基 苏菲·特纳  

导演:米格尔·萨普什尼克 大卫·努特尔 戴维·贝尼奥夫 D·B·威斯 编剧:戴维·贝尼奥夫 David Benioff/D·B·威斯 D.B. Weiss/乔治·马丁 George R.R. Martin/戴夫·希尔 Dave Hill/布莱恩·考格曼 Bryan Cogman

权力的游戏 第八季的影评