I just finished watching episode 12 of season 12, Trump fired 2 people, one I was expecting, one I was not. The latter half of the show was interviews, four remaining people met up with the last reason’s winners. Interviews are hard and one person got fired because of firing temper.

Among these three left, I feel particular about O’Day, she started out as very creative passionate, then was disrespectful towards her teammates, got into a fight with Hall, many turned against her, she cried a little bit in the boardroom, after that she changed very evidently. She became quieter and more congruent. I like her ideas a lot, her baldness, her energy especially, although she made some mistakes on creative areas and team communication, I hope she make it to the final two. By the way, someone said she was nervous in the interview, she of course denied it, I don’t think that person was lying.

CA creates this business environment in which we can learn a lot.
1.How to deal with pressure: time management, creative thinking, communication and coordination, etc. are the things to finish a task. Then comes Board room pressure, whether it is winning or losing, the ability to articulate what you did and defend it is crucial, that being said, do not be disrespectful, just state the truth and feelings.

2.It's about money and business: do not mix business with personal. Have to be fierce when needed, but do not take kindness for weakness either!

3.Tell me about your charity: the biggest difference of CA and TA is fund raising for your charity. Ones biggest passion is from within, there are many touching stories behind every player, why they choose the charity they choose and how badly they want to contribute to that.

The message is clear, there is a fascinating world out there, a well constructed, big money-filled, crazy and hectic, the only thing you have to do is buckle up, take the wheel and let the game begin.

飞黄腾达 第十二季The Apprentice(2012)

又名:学徒 第十二季

