Before you get started, make sure it is a peaceful night that you don’t have to worry about anything and just sit comfortably in your cozy bed to finish watching this whole beautiful story. This was how I watched it. I wish that I’ll have my loved ones watching it with me, because this piece of art, really do worth it. I was amazed by how every scene and every line hitted me so hard with some deep reflections of my own life. “Time is the stuff that when you spent it, you don’t get it back.” Guess that is one of the big reasons why we’d better live at the moment and cherish every second of our imperfect but unique and wonderful life and keep them as tiny perfect memories.

我是在国外看的所以直接复制粘贴了在外网写的影评。没想到豆瓣居然这么低分... 可能很多人还没“醒”吧,完全没有试图去理解这部电影的深层含义和可以延展思考的方向。但如果有时间,我很希望大家都还会回来再次和爱的人一起欣赏这部作品。它真的值得。

小确幸地图The Map of Tiny Perfect Things(2021)

又名:人生可以重来 / 微小完美事物的地图


主演:凯瑟琳·纽顿 凯尔·艾伦 约什·汉密尔顿 艾尔·马德里加尔  
