向井理×北川景子の共演で話題を呼ぶ『パラダイス・キス』のスピンオフドラマ。監督・脚本を勉めるのは『THE 3名様』の福田雄一。向井扮する天才デザイナー、ジョージが住む超高級マンションを舞台に、ジョージと仲間たちの日常を描く。ラブストーリー主体の胸キュンな本編とは打って変わって、ユルい笑いに包まれたシチュエーションコメディとなっている。Nominated for Best Performance by a Female and Best Editing in the 2011 Leo Awards. On the verge of despair, a frightened Theresa enters into a new kind of Intensive therapy. Seduced by Victor Suave, she sells her rights for one last chance at freedom. Left alone in a room with a seemingly perfect version of herself, she realizes that this form of therapy doesn't involve the conventional sit down session; it's kill or be killed. Theresa must learn that she is ultimately stronger than she gives herself credit for, before her personified hatred gets the upper hand and Theresa is lost forever.