丹尼尔平时忙于工作,虽然他深爱他的小孩,但亲子间仍有些疏离,在一个赶赴提案的早晨,因为太太不舒服,他临危受命接送小孩及其他邻居一群烦人的小鬼上学,原本就快来不及的他,竟遇上一位乌龙抢匪法兰克林,法兰克林其实是个善良的人,在误打误撞下他抢了劫,并以丹尼尔车上一群人为人质,但亲切的他却异常地和孩子们打成一片,十分快乐的相处,甚至警方在后一路追赶时,孩子们都极力帮他脱困。丹尼尔百般不解,他们摆脱了警方,法兰克林请孩子们到他的游乐园,没想到却遇到真正的抢匪,幸好最后仍被大家制服,但丹尼尔的小孩安德鲁却在此发生危险,丹尼尔不顾一切,甚至牺牲重要的提案资料,亲自救出了安德鲁,后来他们赶去提案现场,在大家的努力下通过了老板的审核,而丹尼尔因这次事件,拉近了和孩子的距离,也慢慢了解亲情甚于工作的道理。A man with an important business meeting finds himself having to take care of the carpool for the neighborhood school children when his wife gets sick. Stopping to get donuts for the kids, things go even more awry when he finds himself a victim of a robbery. However, the situation only gets worse as a desperate man who had been contemplating a bank robbery robs the robbers and takes the man and the kids hostage in their van as his truck is blocked by an armored car. The thing then proceeds into a comedic chase movie. The father finds his kids don't really respect him and they react better to the robber. The end result is everyone gets a lifestyle change, including the original store owner.