年轻的白人老师派特·康罗伊被分派到南卡罗来纳州的一座孤岛上执教。岛上全是目不识丁的黑人居民。他发现岛上文盲的、被遗忘的孩子们基本上对外界一无所知,他们称呼他为康拉克(孩子们自创的语言),并对外面花花绿绿的世界并不太感兴趣。康罗伊不得不开始寻找一条能够与孩子们沟通的方法,教会他们应该学习的知识,并让他们在学校里受到应有的监护,尽管这里的人们仍视其为多余,对他心存芥蒂。凭借他的耐心和爱心,终于与当地的学生和家长化敌为友。White Pat Conroy was born and raised in Beaufort, South Carolina. In March, 1969 under the Beaufort School District, he starts a job teaching at a small poor school located on Daufuskie Island, an island in a South Carolina river delta, the island accessible only by boat. The island is inhabited exclusively by blacks. He quickly learns that his students, who have never left the island, lack not only a basic understanding of academic items such as the alphabet and simple arithmetic, but also of other basic necessities of life such as personal hygiene. They can't even pronounce his name, they who call him Conrack. The teachers before him, including the school principal Mrs. Scott, have always treated the students as being slow and basically unteachable of academics. Conrack, a free thinking man, decides to expose his students not only to the academic subjects, but also to the gamut of life skills from brushing one's teeth to human anatomy, and some of the fun things in life like classical music, art, baseball, movies, swimming (despite living on an island, the islanders live in fear of the river because they don't know how to swim) and Halloween. He does so with compassion and without being patronizing. His teaching methods come under question by both Mrs. Scott and the Beauford School District administration led by its superintendent, Mr. Skeffington. These differences in viewpoint may place Conrack's tenure at the school in jeopardy.