如月学园刚刚结束了一年一度的文化祭圆满落下帷幕,高二学生中岛直美(生驹里奈 饰)和青梅竹马持田哲志(池冈亮介 饰)等人还留在教室里,大家依依不舍,都想在学校里多待一会儿。这时,突然响起一个炸雷,吓得大家连忙堵住耳朵,而电闸似乎也出现了问题。超自然迷女孩筱崎亚由美(前田希美 饰)找来鬼屋用到的蜡烛,于是顺带提议玩一玩“幸福的幸子”的灵异游戏。如月学园的前身是发生过可怕事件的天神小学,当初有一名保健老师摔下楼梯身亡,更有两名学生被杀,学校由此变得恐怖森然。虽然“幸福的幸子”传说是可以召唤幸福的游戏,可当大家玩过之后,却坠落在一个隔绝的废气校舍中,可怕的故事接连上演…… 本片根据同名游戏改编。Facing goodbyes and graduation, Naomi Nakashima, her childhood friend Satoshi Mochida, and their classmates, are clearing up after their last ever cultural festival, when horror buff class representative Ayumi Shinozaki decides to perform Sachiko Ever After so they will stay friends forever. Instead, they were whisked away to a haunted graduation ceremony for Heavenly Host Elementary School, forced to close after a series of gruesome murders. What fate awaits Naomi and her friends at the cursed school...?