乌克兰少女玛丽亚在德国多特蒙德的一间宾馆当清洁工,她梦想着靠每月攒下的钱开一间理发店,不料突遭解雇,梦想似乎要化为泡影。没了工作,迫于经济压力,她不得不另寻出路。她放下尊严,出卖了自己的肉体,甚至不惜动用各种关系,只为实现那遥不可及的理想。Marija, a young Ukranian woman, earns a living as a cleaning woman in a hotel in Dortmund, but dreams of having her own hairstyling salon, and puts away some money each month. But when she is fired without notice, her dream is suddenly postponed to an uncertain future. Jobless and under financial pressure, she is forced to look for alternatives but, in order to achieve her goal, she is ready to discard her body, her social relationships and her own feelings.