秘鲁驻军某地,士兵强奸妇女的事件层出不穷,军方选派潘达雷昂上尉去那里秘密组织军中流动妓院——劳军队,以期缓解。潘达雷昂上尉极尽其忠,“成绩卓著”。而事发后,舆论大哗。随军神甫,愤然辞职;广播电台,勒索煽动;社会歹徒,趁机作乱,直至暴力袭击。结果,潘达雷昂上尉成了这一丑闻的牺牲品,而劳军女郎却被道貌岸然的将军及随军神甫等人占为情妇。The Peruvian army captain Pantaleon Pantoja, a very serious and efficient officer, is chosen by his superiors to set up a special service of 'visitors' to satisfy the sexual needs of the soldiers posted on remote jungle outposts. At first unhappy about this assignment, he nonetheless puts his remarkable organizational skills in action and in a short time has his 'unit' running smoothly. In the home front things get complicated though; his wife dislikes his long hours and the secrecy surrounding his work, and he, despite being a dedicated husband, feels tempted by one of his "subordinates".