年轻的Griffith在位于密西西比州的一个小镇上度过了他的童年、少年••• 人至青年的他终于不甘这种囚禁式的生活,试图寻觅良机出外闯荡••• 然而责任心极强的Griffith无法舍下身患旷野恐惧症的Summer阿姨——他的再生父母••• 就在此时,以流浪为乐的Lee误打误撞地走进这个被遗忘的小镇••• 长期的平静瞬间瓦解•••Red Dirt offers the story of a young man's search to belong in this sublime expression of love and reconciliation. At only twenty, Griffith is struggling with the responsibilities of caring for his unwell aunt, grieving the loss of their family's matriarch, and his own dreams of leaving Pine Apple. With the arrival of a stranger, Griffith's carefully constructed walls of shame and silence begin to come down and his life takes an unexpected turn.