本剧是2006年BBC出品的六集迷你剧,以曼彻斯特三个20出头的好友为叙事主轴,发展出一段看似平凡但却别有新意的恋爱故事。 以拍摄手法看,不仅画面上有风格化的快速捲动、倒退等特殊处理,叙事节奏上急缓变奏,辅以异常好笑的幽默对白,整个故事处处展现一种随时要翻转的违和感,摆明了就是要用叙述性诡计来骗你,摆明了我就是要玩Twist的游戏,剧情急转直下、柳暗花明,就算你得知真相却仍不敢相信,心底想着还是一定有鬼(而且还真有)!!看似显而易见的漏洞,别急,别弃,坚持到最后一刻一定叫你拍案叫绝!!Set in Manchester, the programme is narrated by Nathan (Paul Chequer) and focuses on the love triangle of him, Fi (Jemima Rooper), and Jase (Daniel Percival). The programme is executive produced by Julian Murphy, who was an executive producer on Channel 4's As If and Sugar Rush and Sky One's Hex. Stylistically similar to As If, following a non-linear narrative, it also features ex-cast members Paul Chequer, Jemima Rooper and Mark Smith and, as such, can be seen as its spiritual successor.