根据畅销小说改编,讲述渔夫和律师同时爱上女主角,她必须在两人间做出选择的故事。虽然原著较为苦情沉闷,但希区柯克巧手将它变成了一部耐看的爱情片,影片突显了希区柯克喜爱处理的三角关系,男主角依然找回了《拳击场》的卡尔·布里森,因为希区柯克认为他有一种天真的气质,与渔夫的形象吻合。首次启用安妮·奥德拉让希区柯克喜出望外,因为这是他找到的第一个符合他心目中完美女神形象的金发女郎,此后,希区柯克对金发女郎的热情一发不可收拾。Despite their differing backgrounds, fisherman Pete and lawyer Philip have been life long friends on the Isle of Man. Pete wants to marry Kate, the landlord's daughter at the local inn, however Kate's father doesn't think he is good enough. Pete leaves the island to seek his fortune abroad and entrusts Kate to Philip, but they start to be attracted to each other.