敗戦を挟んで製作され、占領軍の検閲でオクラ入りとなり、講和条約締結後の1952年に初めて上映された黒澤の傑作。能の『安宅』とその歌舞伎化の『勧進帳』をもとに、源頼朝から逮捕令が出された義経と弁慶一行の“安宅の関越え“を描く。黒澤は義経一行7人に付き添うおしゃべりな強力(ごうりき)を創出し、エノケンのキャラクターを存分に活用している。大河内伝次郎の弁慶とエノケンの強力、このコントラストが目ざましい効果を上げ、この映画を非凡なものにした。エノケンの軽妙さが滅びいく者たちの悲劇性を際立たせる。結末で酒に酔いしれる弁慶の表情、目覚めると一人残されていた強力の見せる涙など詩情豊かな一編。In 1185, the Heike family fights against the Minamoto family. After a bloody naval battle in the Pacific Ocean, Yoshitsune Minamoto defeats the enemy and the survivals commit suicide. When the triumphant Yoshitsune arrives in Kyoto, his brother, the Shogun Yoritomo, is lured and orders his men to arrest Yoshitsune. However, Yoshitsune escapes with six loyal samurais led by Benkei and they head to the country of his only friend Idehira Fukiwara. Nearby the border, after crossing the forest disguised as monks, their smiley conveyor Suruga discloses that they are Yoshitsune and the six samurais and advises that the fearful Kagiwara and his soldiers are waiting for them in the border to arrest them. Yoshitsune disguises as a carrier and Benkei has to convince Kagiwara that they are six monks traveling to collect donation to build a large temple in Kyoto.