他是守护天使,她是梦中女神。他是温文书呆子,宁愿当酒店大堂夜更接待,只为有更多时间沉迷古籍字海。她冲动率性,爱音乐,日间当小职员,晚上抱个结他在酒廊自弹自唱。一奏倾情,他由粉丝变情人。性格南辕北辙,生活规律迥异,然而相爱六年,仍如胶似漆。但当他们都想生小孩,却迟迟未见动静,不育焦虑益增,爱情的考验就接踵而来。一阕动人恋曲,真摰捕捉亲密关系的甜酸苦辣,也侧写现代罗马百态。世事都被看透了,还看两颗易醉的心,如何跌跌撞撞,笑对充满颠簸的世界。Guido and Antonia are a young couple with opposing characters and working schedules: he works a night job as a doorman in a hotel, and she works as an employee for a rental car service. This is the story of what happens to Guido and Antonia when they decide to have a child.