预习。本文学生啥也看不懂,傻乎乎地cheer for our HP alumni 邓校长 月亮脸 虫尾巴。Endgame我弃疗了到时候权当追星吧。只能努力把wiki上Rough II的梗概仔细学习懂了,Rough II看的时候只记得Morvan找不到动词我笑晕,看到了分析长难句时的我。

就抄两句别人Rough II的剧评吧。

“The play indicts written language as inadequate to the task of codifying human experience in meaningful terms.(Gerry Dukes)”

“Among the flurry of papers and testimony, memories and discussion, no real sense of the man emerges. Instead, there is an irritable reaching for premature conclusion … The inventory of reasons advanced for the suicide remains just that, a stark list devoid of imaginative life … What Morvan and Bertrand fail to perceive is the victim’s particular perspective that would transform the commonplace into the unendurable.(V.Brown)”

银幕上的贝克特Beckett on Film(2003)



导演:Pearse Lehane 编剧:Beckett
