"The fight is long comrade, but victory is certain !"
"It's not bad to be poor.It's bad to be rich at the height of fame with
your morals a dirty shame."
“I hope you can understand me because I don't have either a
primary or a secondary education.
You didn't ask me, but I'm going to introduce myself.I like
introducing myself with my own voice.
I have been a picker here for 26 years.
I am proud to be a picker.
I am the Vice President of ACAMJG. I represent 2,500 pickers
who work here at the landfill. I carry this with pride.
Let's say each household generates one kilo of garbage. And one
kilo of garbage generates 500 grams of recyclable material. So a
thousand homes generate 500 kilos of material that could be
recycled.That's 500 kilos less of material that would pollute the
rivers,the lagoons that won't clog the sewers or be buried here in
the landfill,doing such great harm to nature and the enviornment.
I try to explain to people, what they can recycle and what they can
compost,and what they should do.
People sometimes say"But one single can?"
One single can is of great importance.
Because 99 is not 100, and that single one will make the