can’t believe a comedy could make me cry so hard. s7e22, that’s the episode when Michael leaving. he gives everyone the special moment, playing paint ball with Dwight, having lunch in the corner watching his crew chatting, tell Erin that she will find the one. he is holding back tears all the time.

am i doing anything wrong, why this is so sad? says michael.

no, you did nothing wrong, you are the best boss i’v ever had. says jim


Pam提着高跟鞋在机场跟迈克送别,然后飞机起飞,from pennsylvania to colorado, 虽然加起来只看了三季,这种悲伤的情愫还是蔓延

office is still funny without Michael, but it’s no longer the office any more, and i’m done with goodbye episodes

办公室 第七季The Office(2010)

又名:爆笑办公室 第七季 / 美版办公室 第七季

主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 雷恩·威尔森 敏迪·卡灵 克瑞德·布拉顿 E 

导演:Jeffrey Blitz 编剧:Greg Daniels