巴西平原 半年旱季半年雨季,地球最大的沼泽地The pantanal/Cerrado. 白蚁是吃草原和死树叶的主力军.草原上也有两种食蚁兽。旱季的时候草原上经常有40度、沼泽完全干枯,所以草原上没有可以遮阴的树,草原上的大型动物只有食蚁狐狸和美洲鸵鸟。Capybara和几内亚猪是近亲,也在草原生活,和羊一样大。By the end of dry season, lightning ignits fires in grassland. leaf cutter can cut 10% of new grass. Flicker-a kind of woodpecker knows how to use termite mounds. The mounds gives shelter to many animals in rain season too. Caiman lie in water with mouth open, and it does work when water is still shallow. 吃松子的金刚鹦鹉有着鸟类里最坚硬的喙。Woodstork是吃鱼高手。潘帕斯鹿和美洲鸵鸟经常一起进食。潘帕斯鹿听觉嗅觉灵敏,鸵鸟视力好、身材高,他们合伙可以避免美洲豹。草原狼?在旱季吃蚂蚁,到了雨季则主要吃水果,类似西红柿的水果. 有夜光的甲壳虫躲在白蚁穴用绿光里吸引白蚁,以白蚁为食物
安第斯山-安第斯云林和亚马逊雨林一样生物多样性丰富,特别是蜂鸟。Spectacled bear-only bear in south america and get food on tree top, 最爱吃的是凤梨科. 由于没有昆虫,花草靠蜂鸟传播下一代。Atiplano -高海拔活火山-vision of earth before life began. The Atiplano salt lakes attract 3 kinds flamingos to nest and mate-the lakes have blind shrimps. Lizards eat flies. Green oasis in Atiplano provides food to south american camels. To survive, you don't move fast without good reason, and some have long furs. Red fox eats rodent on the altiplano. While every night is like winter, winter is very harsh and animals leave if they can. Patagonia is even colder as it is close to antarctic and one of windiest places on earth. Guanaco, a cousin of camel, lives in patagonia. Snow and Puma are the two harzards that guanacos face. Fox follows puma to find leftovers. Andean condors are vultures of Andes that have superb eyesight. Caracara waits after condors to eat. Nests vs nest theives. 狐狸必须不断挪窝,让美洲豹找不到她的幼子。Guanaco are prey of puma