Plot Summary:Thelma Tompkins is a waitress in a hotel restaurant. She's a good waitress and has always been kind to old Mrs. Mannerheim who eats in the restaurant every evening. Thelma is shocked when Mrs. Mannerheim tells her that she is her closest friend and has left her a considerable legacy in her will. In the interim, she gives Thelma a brooch. Over the following months, Mrs. Mannerheim becomes ever more demanding and Thelma's musician boyfriend Arthur suggests that maybe the time has come for the old lady's demise to accelerated somewhat. Thelma poison's her tea but without any obvious effect. Thelma takes matters into her own hands and the subsequent coroner's inquiry reveals some interesting information about the poison she was using.
无机客 • 本集原著小说《好心的女招待》/亨利·斯莱萨著
Case of the Kind Waitress by Henry Slesar 好心的女招待 (美国)亨利·斯莱萨 文 姚人杰 译 特尔玛·汤普金斯在戈登酒店内餐厅的厨房与餐室之间来回奔走,忙得不...