在某老人护理机构供职的山岸佐和(安藤樱 饰)长久以来一直照顾生活不能自理的老人昭三(织本顺吉 饰)。某天昭三的女儿向其提出一个匪夷所思的要求,虽然有些勉强,佐和还是应承了下来,谁曾想这一决定竟彻底改变了她的命运。突如其来的灾难让佐和丢掉了工作,进而流落街头。在四处闲逛的时候,她先后邂逅了康夫(井上龙夫 饰)、阿茂(坂田利夫 饰)、义男(津川雅彦 饰)等有着各种各样怪癖和坏毛病的老年人。佐和就像恶意满满的魔女,不由分说闯入老人们的生活。她霸道地纠正老人们的恶习,却也为他们带来了久违的关怀…… 本片根据导演安藤桃子依据自身护理经验撰写的小说改编。Sawa Yamagishi (Sakura Ando) worked as a nursing-care helper. The family of an old man asked Sawa to sleep with him, which led her to eventually lose her job and house. Now, she has nowhere to go. Sawa finds elderly people in trouble and gets involved in their lives. Meeting them, their lives change and Sawa's own wounds start to heal.