一个人工制造的具有特异功能的天才女孩,被当权者利用。最后她厌倦了这样的生活,但当权者怎么会就此罢休呢,于是一场生与死的较量展开了…Charlie McGee is a young woman with the unwanted and often uncontrollable gift of pyrokinesis, lighting fires by mere thought. Charlie has been in hiding for nearly all her life from a top-secret government fringe group headed by the maniacal John Rainbird, who wants to find and use Charlie as the ultimate weapon of war. Vincent is a young private investigator unwittingly sent to look for Charlie, and evenutally tries to help her escape from Rainbird, who has formed a group of young boys from other research projects -- each with different special abilities -- in a plot to take over the world.