山东小子马永贞(陈观泰)的拳脚功夫虽十分了得,但因属无名小辈,初到十里洋场的旧上海的他也只能凭借过人力气做苦力。因为秉性善良,路遇不平事时马永贞会拔刀相助,令某歌女(井莉)对他暗生好感,也因此得以成为上海滩风流倜傥、武艺高强的黑道“不小人物”谭四(姜大卫)的好兄弟。 因为对谭四成就的羡慕,马永贞决意凭自己的拳脚打出一片天下来,并渐渐如愿以偿。可惜江湖险恶,他没想到地盘逐渐扩大的自己和谭四成了杨老板的眼中钉。不久,他目睹谭四为杨老板所杀,决心为谭四报仇,然而他的仗义和功夫并不能玩转江湖的游戏规则。Ma Yung Cheng leaves Shantung, trying to find better fortune in Shanghai, trusting his youth and physical valour. He meets friendship with Hsiai Chiang Pei, and love (CHING LI), and fate has him meet, and find employment with a local gangster. He defeats an undefeatable Foreign Champion, then three champions at once, only to fall into a trap set up by gangster arch-rival Yang Shuang...