香港天水围发生了一件令人惨不忍睹的血案。丈夫残忍地杀害了妻子和双胞胎女儿后自杀。案发后,天水围的女人们纷纷在电视里看到,死者竟然曾是跟自己一同生活的晓玲(张静初 饰),她是四川人在酒楼做服务生,她的丈夫是中年离异靠综援救济的无业游民李森(任达华 饰)。李森平日里总担心妻子红杏出墙,因此总虐待她,两人情感早已破裂。想当年,李森是嫖妓时认识了晓玲,两人因性生爱,并且她还怀了他的小孩。为此,他跟前妻离婚,陪来到了她的老家——四川,帮岳父家装修了房子,并正式办了婚事。但是,心术不正的李森在此期间强奸了晓玲的妹妹。后来,晓玲产下一对双胞胎,两人搬到了天水围,但迫于经济压力,两人矛盾重生,当晓玲准备独立时,李森却开始用变态的手法折磨她…… 本片是许鞍华导演继《天水围的日与夜》后,拍摄的第二部反映“天水围”的影片。Ann Hui's darkly realistic Night and Fog starts at the end of the story: a man murders his wife and, based on statements by unreliable witnesses, the film goes on to investigate how things could have got this far and what kind of man was able to kill his family; questions that almost inevitably remain unanswered. Night and Fog, named after Nuit et brouillard (1955), Alain Resnais' documentary about concentration camps, looks at the difficult problem of domestic violence. An elderly man from Hong Kong takes a wife from outside the city and goes on to neglect and abuse the woman. Ann Hui's cool registering camera is juxtaposed with flashbacks within flashbacks and dream sequences, just as in her earlier film, Song of the Exile (1990).