摩洛哥裔的临时服装设计师玛雅在巴黎生活已有20年之久。在一次交通违规之后被警察查出外国人居留证过期并遣送回国。由于摩洛哥和巴黎之间的文化冲突使玛雅对摩洛哥充满偏见,为了回到巴黎想尽一切办法。玛雅究竟能否成功回到梦想的都市获得完美的工作和人生?Maya Ben Latif has the life that most women dream of: she is pretty, smart, wealthy, and she has a great job. But one night, when a problem with her gets involved, she is, therefore, deported back to her native country, Morocco. She desperately tries to find a way back, but Maya is forced take part among her family, which she avoided for many years. This life-changing event, has transformed Maya into a better person and this movie is quite touching.