Reach out to people for help and tell ur friends that they matter to u.'some of u cared, but none of u cared enough.' That was totally wrong,cuz Hannah pushed people away. We do have no idea what other guys are going through, but plz show ur care now and then and it's totally fine to ask friends around u for help,they got ur back. Plus, talking about sexual assault is not shameful, women should be daring enough to stand up and to say something about it. And men, never treat girls like sexual objects, instead, it's damn sexy to ask whether she is okay to do it.
Finally, suicide should never be an option. It's a devastating disaster for ur parents and whom care about u. U can get help from all kinds of sources.
Fucking love this show💕

十三个原因:幕后故事13 Reasons Why: Beyond the Reasons(2017)


主演:杰伊·阿什 艾莉莎·博 布兰登·弗林 赛琳娜·戈麦斯 丽贝卡 

导演:未知编剧:杰伊·阿谢 Jay Asher