

Under our tacit acceptance to illusions, the impetus to pursue the authenticity of life could be left forgotten to our indulgence in phantasms. What if to say, even there is a drive to inspect on truth, would this be another tale we tell ourselves in surrender to these representations. And the existence of these inquiries are not from our real initiatives but merely as a passive rehearsal of possible outcomes.
In Vertigo, the theme of truth is narrated through such transformation. The lie that Gavin Elster fabricates at the beginning has sent Scottie to a fantastical quest to search for the truth. However, the truth that Scottie believes is merely a projection of his obsession on the image of Madeleine, while he unconsciously shaping the real Judy by using the concepts formed from Elster’s mystifying storytelling and the urge to peek under the truth. Absurdly, Scottie isn’t aware that his motivation to know the truth is based on a forged lie, but rather, he is senselessly captivated by this lie of suspense through the act of peeping, while the reason and logic that he expects at the beginning are replaced by the fixation with Madeleine. The turning point of this movie is when Madeleine dies, which is also the time when Scottie’s perception of the “true” Madeleine is detached from the host in consequence of losing the corporeal existence. When Scottie sees Judy, his image of Madeleine is immediately transmitted to this new host, along with his obsession.
Nonetheless, the real tragedy is not when Judy has to abandon her real self and yield to Scottie’s image of Madeleine because she’s in love with him, but because the subject that encompasses Scotties’ projection of desires is not a real entity. Despite that Judy has the choice to reject this possibility to act as Madeleine, and she did try, death still awaits.
What Scottie truly desires is the image of Carlotta, but the paradox is that there is no substitute can ever replace Carlotta. As a false identity, Judy’s final death resembles the moment for the truth to be unveiled and disintegrated.


又名:眩晕 / Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo


主演:詹姆斯·斯图尔特 金·诺瓦克 芭芭拉·贝尔·戈迪斯 汤姆·赫 

导演:阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克 编剧:亚历克·科佩尔 Alec Coppel/萨缪尔·A·泰勒 Samuel A. Taylor/皮埃尔·布瓦洛 Pierre Boileau/托马·纳西雅克 Thomas Narcejac/马克斯韦尔·安德森 Maxwell Anderson


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