What a journey!
讲道理本来应当是一周一季的,可是S4真的令人欲罢不能,才半周便已然结束了。随之一起结束的,还有RTD和DT的所有正式剧集(剩下四个特别篇我一定要等我回味完前四季留着慢慢看)。S1九叔离开的时候特别不舍,S2~S4小十又成了心头肉,so do his companians: Doomsday 中燃烧了一颗恒星来跟你告别的Rose; Last of the Time Lords 中哭着笑着回头的Martha; Journey's End中不得不相忘的Donna。我算是明白了,每当你喜欢上这任博士,喜欢上这任旅伴的时候,他们却要离开了。留下孤独永恒的神话,留下一个不能回头,永远向前奔跑的博士。我甚至可以想见日后的小十一,皮卡叔,十三姨······
S4E01:Partners in Crime
Donna和博士的时间线疯狂相遇,那一段隔着两面玻璃墙对口型真真是最为有趣的重逢一面了,配着Donna欢脱的theme "A Noble Girl About Town" 看一次笑一次。Donna的毒舌真不是吹的,903岁的doctor估计一辈子都没被这样怼过。脂肪宝宝们萌坏了,Rose惊鸿一瞥。最后他们的Bluebox从Donna's Grandpa的望远镜中飞过“Go on girl! Go on, get out there!"太美好了!
S4E02:The Fires of Pompeii
Donna又一次证明了为什么有时候Doctor需要有人提醒,第一次,Donna这个“普通人”作为传说的一部分被他人所传诵,10th和12th的历史性会晤,(以后Tardis不用买就是您的啦! xswl)
S4E03:Planet of the Ood
The Ood are coming home! "Songs of Captivity and Freedom" 这歌声真的太悲伤了。Ood早已预见了Doctor “Your song will end soon". "And the wind and the ice and the snow will carry your names forever." 极其沉重的一集。
S4E04: The Sontaran Stratagem
UNIT的首次出场呢!配那首”UNIT Rocks”的BGM实在是帅。Martha和doctor重逢真是太好了。
S4E05: The Poison Sky
“Are you my mommy?”hhhh神转回S1E09笑掉大牙。我永远对人类的bravery speech情有独钟,每一次都感到由衷的自豪与荡气回肠。”Thank you Doctor. Thank you for your lack of faith. But this time I’m not listening. Attention, all troops! Sontarans might think of us as primitive, as does every passing species with an axe to grind. They make a mockery of our weapons, our soldiers, our ideals. But no more. From this time on, it stops. From this point on, the people of Earth fight back. And we show them. We show the warriors of Sontar what the human race can do. Trap One to Hawk Major, go,go,go.”Valiant号最大功率的引擎的轰鸣刮起的风,吹起来了,伴着”UNIT Rocks”, UNIT航空母舰瓦利恩特号向您报到,博士!整个大气层被火焰席卷再瞬间退去,太壮观了!
S4E06: The Doctor’s Daughter
“There’s always something worth living for.”Jenny 是真的好看,至于她在戏外她作为5th的女儿在该集中扮演10th的女儿之后在戏外又成为10th的妻子然后生了一个女儿,这真是最最最妙的巧合了!”Oh, I’ve got the whole universe. Planet to save, civilizations to rescue, creatures to defeat, and an awful lot of running to do.” 忒可爱了些。
S4E07: The Unicorn and the Wasp

S4E08: Silence in the Library
哦,魔法特!亲手挖开的宋江阿姨的大坑,在若干年后他也将亲手填上。和S3 Don't Blink一集一样的窒息感。 “Hey, who turned out the lights.” ”Donna Noble has left the library. Donna Noble has been saved.”毛骨悚然。
S4E09: Forest of the Dead
“All in the Mind” 中悠扬的爱尔兰风笛诉说着Donna最美好的人生。The perfect man, Lee, gorgeous, adores her, and hardly able to speak a word. Donna转头,Lee看到了他,却因为口吃”D...Do...”那颤抖的表情,还没能喊出来,就被传送走了。咫尺天涯,他们这辈子曾离的那么近,那么近,近的仿佛能牢牢抓住他,但就那一瞬间,那一回头,那一转身,那一口吃,就再也再也见不到了,啜泣。
River:Funny thing is, this means you’ve always known how I was going to die. All the time we’ve been together, you knew I was coming here. The last time I saw you, the real you, the future you, I mean... You turned up on my doorstep, with a new haircut and a suit. You took me to Darillium to see the singing towers. What a night that was! The towers sang and you cried. You wouldn't tell me why. But I suppose you knew it was time, my time. Time to come to the Library.You even gave me your screwdriver. That should have been a clue.There's nothing you can do.
Doctor:You can let me do this.
River: If you die here, it'll mean I've never met you.
Doctor:Time can be rewritten.
River: Not those times. Not one line! Don't you dare.
River: It's OK, it's not over for you. You'll see me again. You've got all of that to come. You and me. Time and space. You watch us run!
“The Greatest Story Never Told” 这时的配乐很棒。我最后一次见你的时候,你还不认识我,多年以后你遇见尚不认识你的我,已知晓结局的你又是怎样的心情。我们的开始基于我们最绚烂的结局。反向Paradox时间线,号啕大哭。DW是我这辈子见过的最虐的科幻剧,Always。
片末旁白: When you run with the Doctor, it feels like it will never end. But however hard you try, you can’t run forever. Everybody knows that everybody dies. And nobody knows it like the Doctor. But I do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark if he ever, for one moment, accepted...
Everybody knows that everybody dies. But not every day. Not today.
Saved River: Oh for heaven’s sake. He just can’t do it, can he? That man, that impossible man. He just can’t give in.
旁白又起: Some days are special. Some days are so, so blessed. Some days, nobody dies at all.
Now and then, every once in a very long while, every day in a million days when the wind stands fair and the Doctor comes to call...everybody lives.
S4E10: Midnight
Hhh, Donna一定是唯一一个会拒绝Doctor的旅伴了吧。密闭空间,人性最经不起考验,最歇斯底里,最难受,最压抑,最像电视剧版《杀戮》的一集。永远是市井小人活了下来,而最终,没有人记得乘务员的名字,Doctor最危险的一集,到最后反派真身都不曾露面,致郁。最让人恐惧的是未知,也即恐惧本身。
S4E11: Turn Left
这集告诉了我如果Donna没有成为Doctor的旅伴,我会多么讨厌这样一个泼妇型的人物。但是在Doctor身边,他们互相都使对方变得更好。片末”Bad Wolf”鸡皮疙瘩掉一地啊,真的燃!
S4E12: The Stolen Earth
RTD的正剧告别,所有人,所有的角色从S1到S4, 整个DW宇宙在这里交汇。却没有一丝一毫堆砌的痕迹,他们只是非常自然,非常合理,非常动人的,出现在了这里,Doctor在地球上的所有朋友,在这一刻,陪他,陪地球,陪着RTD和小十,走到这最后一刻。Rose, Mickey, Jackie; Martha && UNIT; Captain Jack && Torchwood; Sarah Jane Smith && Mr.Smith, K9. And of course 能请出所有人的一定是我们可爱的胡椒罐们,毕竟Dalek这一季之前还没出场呢! 终于略微瞥见了Dalek Maximum Extermination的恐怖实力: “The Valiant’s down. Air Force retreating over North Africa, Daleks landing in Japan. Lost contact with the Prime Minister’s plane...”They fight and they fall, with human dignity. 没有人预料的到的,The former Prime Minister, Harriet Jones, 我对她在圣诞特辑里的偏见在这一刻烟消云散,她始终坚持着for the good of human kind. 她牺牲了自己,为了联系上博士。”And tell the Doctor from me, he chose his companions well. It’s been an honor.”
“Every one except Rose.”官方发糖!
Dalek Caan的配音也太赞了,谜之好听。 Davros的形象hhh我能说是PPT和Snoke的结合体吗,他还会释放原力闪电Oh Yeah!
S4E13: Journey's End
Reality Bomb这脑洞,Fantastic. 这一集就好像,S1~S4的每一集,都在为这结束做铺垫,它们扩展出的整个DW宇宙,在这一刻理所当然地连接在了一起,我想,这已然是编剧的最高水准了,RTD结束他打开的每条线,在他离开前完成一个前所未有的最完美的结束。Tardis在绝望中重现的那一刹那,从金光中走出来的人类博士,太棒(虽然立刻被原力闪电击倒了,DW编剧真是反逻辑鬼才)然后让Donna做最终的审判,太人性化,太有爱,太有趣了实在是。The DoctorDonna!
Dalek们失去战斗力后又变回了蠢萌的胡椒罐配上欢乐版的”A Pressing Need to Save the World”
“Song of Freedom”的歌声中,Tardis从未如此的温暖与热闹。The Doctor and all his companions just fly the earth back home. The Tardis flies never so smooth, never so steady, never so round.穿越时间,穿越空间,从宇宙的一头到另一头。到家的那一刻整个Tardis, 整个地球,整个DW宇宙拥抱在了一起。Sarah Jane Smith回家了; Captain Jack, Martha, back to where needs them followed by Mickey; Rose从人类博士口中终于听到了当年Doctor未说出口的话,那句话当年的博士没能来得及说,现在的他又没法说,他们会一起变老,很美满了,随着Tardis的声音再一次回响在恶狼湾上空; Donna...
Donna: I want to stay. I was gonna be with you... forever...
Doctor: I know.
Donna: Rest of my life... traveling...in the Tardis. The DoctorDonna. Oh,but I...I can’t go back. Don’t make me go back. Doctor, please...please don’t make me go back.
Doctor: Donna. Oh Donna Nobel. I am so sorry. But we had the best of times. The best. Goodbye.
All those wonder things she did. I just want you to know there’re worlds out there, safe in the sky, because of her. That there are people living in the light, and singing songs of Donna Nobel, a thousand million light years away. They will never forget her...While she can never remember. And for one moment, One shining moment, she was the most important woman of the whole wide universe.
“Yeah, see ya” 但你其实再也见不到他了,那个曾经你要跟他旅行一生的人。
“They’ve all got someone else.”所有人都到齐了,但最后的最后,永远是Doctor孤身一人,永恒的完美的孤独的Time lord, 那个永远的在伦敦雨雪中,默默走进Tardis的背影。
“But every night, Doctor, when it gets dark, and the stars come out, I’ll look up, on her behalf. I’ll look up at the sky, and think of you.”
本来还想加个总结,但其实该说的也都说了,那就这样罢。本以为这只需要几小时,可现在一整天都快要过去了,这也不像是影评了,而是一个日记之类的东西,以后的我能回眸,看看自己的这个阶段,看看DW的这个阶段,那一定是欢笑着的吧。并以此表达我对RTD, 对小十,对九叔,对everyone in DW universe无上的敬意。

神秘博士 第四季Doctor Who(2008)

又名:异世奇人 第四季 / 哪一位博士 第四季 / 下一位博士 第四季 / Dr. Who Season 4

主演:大卫·田纳特 凯瑟琳·塔特 比莉·派佩 莎拉·兰卡夏尔 伯纳 

导演:James Strong Colin Teague Graeme Harper Douglas Mackinnon Alice Troughton Graeme Harper Euros Lyn 编剧:Russell T. Davies

神秘博士 第四季的影评

Amber • Doctor