Some scientific statistics shows that happiness is mostly determined by our genes which account for nearly 50%, while 10% makes up our circumstances and the other 40% represents our internal state of mind. Apparently, the majority of us is prone to pursue happiness or optimistic attitude rather than negative life, so this documentary indicates that the personality and mind of us can actually be shifted from the negative side to positive side affected by the other factors like the environment we are in or the mind we are.

The author tried two techniques, the one is CBM, specifically, finding smiling faces from many expressions and the other is meditation, which requires the author to clear his mind for 15mins every day. To his surprise, 7 weeks later, his sleepless problem and anxiety mindset have mitigated and even turned to the positive direction, being optimistic.

So for us, if we can keep these habits, there are indeed changes and intangible happenings to us.

Anyways, it’s never to late to change your mind.

地平线系列:性格的真相Horizon: The Truth About Personality(2013)

又名:don't worry,be happy


主演:Michael J. Mosley 

导演:Helen Nixon 编剧:Nicola Cook