A great investigation by IndyStar and great documentary by Netflix. The sexual abuse in gymnastics has all vital elements. The unbalanced power between the coach, doctor, and the brand of USA Gymnastics and young girls makes them powerless and afraid of speaking out. The strict and cruel environment of gymnastics team learned from former Eastern Europe increases the authority of people in the poison of power, makes young athletes obedient and unaware of being abused. The institution and system of USA gymnastics, defending its patriotic reputation, is reckless of the continually abuses and intentionally covering the crime and falling to report to the police. The failure of local and national law enforcement, with tie USA Gymnastics, has failed to launch investigation. All these vicious systems prove the necessity of #Metoo and how should we combat and change the exiting system that has damaged hundreds of young girls life, physically and mentally. That’s why not only the doctor should be sentenced 120 years, but also the president of USA gymnastics, the prominent coaches and so many people who cover each other up and let young athletes being constantly abused should be held accountable, but such accountability is still missing so far. That’s why #Metoo needs to keep going, and it’s a constant job to change the structure and provide a safe environment for everyone.

吹哨人:美国体操队性侵丑闻追踪Athlete A(2020)



主演:Maggie Nichols Gina Nichols Jo 

导演:邦尼·科恩 乔恩·申克 
