这是一篇非常有深度的纪录片。纪录片的英文名叫做 Athlete A, 港台的翻译貌似叫体操届A级丑闻,国内的翻译叫吹哨人:美国体操队性侵丑闻追踪。虽然都概括了主要的内容,但其实我觉得都没有把名字的含义翻译出来。
这个纪录片揭露的是美国体操队长达几十年的性侵丑闻。人渣一是队医Larry Nassar。他从当年服务于Michigan State University开始,十几二十年地性侵和猥亵里面的女运动员和病人,最小的受害者才不满13岁,现在的数据是他至少侵犯了500个姑娘。另一个主要渣滓,或者机构,就是USA Gymnastics, 也就是美国体操协会。上到主席,下到教练,都对在这个体系里的性侵心知肚明,但是为了美化USA Gymnastics的形象并且继续利用这些体操运动员的名声赚钱,该机构想方设法地掩盖丑闻,不仅睁一只眼闭一只眼,还逼着运动员签保密协议,不允许她们发声。
Athlete A, 其实有点“匿名者李星星”的味道,代指的是体操运动员Maggie Nichols。在15还是16年,她成为第一个举报队医Larry Nassar性侵的人,但在体操协会的交流里,她一直被用“Athlete A" 来代指。Maggie也因为这个举报,付出了巨大的代价。她自己天赋异禀,在哪里跳哪里赢,一直有望代表美国队出征奥运会,一举报,哗,不明不白地没入选,连替补都不要她,然后宣布退役国家队。
电影里有一个很动容的场景,Maggie说:“I don't want people to refer to Athlete A. I want to let them know it was me, that he (Larry Nassar) did not do this to Athlete A, he did it to Maggie Nichols. (我不愿意继续被佚名,我想让大家都知道,受害者就是你们耳熟能详、一直关注着的我Maggie。" 那感觉就好像郭晶晶突然站出来公开说,“我就是其中一个受害者“ 一样令人震撼。
当年这个案子暴出来的时候,看着报道我都咬牙切齿,心想,“这个Larry 太坏了,应该千刀万剐。“ 但看这纪录片的时候,我忽然就有了不一样的感受。我依旧觉得Larry Nassar需要被严惩,睁一只眼闭一只眼,不按照州内法律举报性侵的体操协会的主席和雇员也需要付出代价。虽然正义最后确实也得到了伸张,但是仔细想想背后的系统原因却很令人感到窒息。
这个时间线首先要被拉回冷战的背景。美国想说明自己是世界第一,苏联和其他社会主义国家要证明说我也不差,大家啥都要赢,奥运会里的选手们,背负着巨大的国家压力。既然“赢”最重要,那么虐待下身心,美其名曰“故天将降大任于斯人也” 又有何不可?这种虐待运动员的模式在罗马尼亚最受欢迎,在罗马尼亚大获全胜以后后来又传到美国,因为可以“赢”。大家没人关心运动员死活,只看拿了多少个金牌,弄得整个体操文化非常之压抑。
Larry就是钻了这种恶劣的体操文化的空子。他看上去风度翩翩,幽默善良(人模狗样), 还愿意去哄这些年轻的运动员(跳体操的年纪似乎都特别小),然后假借治疗之名猥亵性侵。但是早在1996年,就有内部举报,说他行为不端,但是被冷处理了,但凡他第一次得手就被开除,后面500个女孩就不会惨遭毒手。
最令人钦佩的就是Rachael Denhollander,第一个公开实名站出来指证Larry Nassar的前运动员。被迫噤声以后,她意识到当时不是绊倒Larry Nassar,甚至体操协会的合适时机, 但是她没有放弃。她很快就念了法学院,一直等了十多年,默默收集证据,一有爆料出现,立马就公开身份,实名指证,鼓励更多的运动员站到台前说出自己的故事。而作为唯一一个实名举报的人,她被千夫所指,整个人瘦到脱了形。
There are two major purposes in our criminal justice system, your Honor: the pursuit of justice and the protection of the innocent. Neither of these purposes can be met if anything less than the maximum available sentence under the plea agreement is imposed upon Larry for his crimes. Not because the federal sentence he will already serve is lacking, but because the sentence rendered today will send a message across this country, a message to every victim and a message to every perpetrator.
I realize you have many factors to consider when you fashion your sentence, but I submit to you that the pre-eminent question in this case as you reach a decision about how best to satisfy the dual aims of this court is the same question that I asked Judge Neff to consider: How much is a little girl worth? How much is a young woman worth?
Larry is a hardened and determined sexual predator. I know this first-hand...Larry's the most dangerous type of abuser. One who is capable of manipulating his victims through coldly calculated grooming methodologies, presenting the most wholesome, caring external persona as a deliberate means to insure a steady stream of children to assault. And while Larry is unlikely to live past his federal sentence, he is not the only predator out there and this sentence will send a message about how seriously abuse will be taken.
So, I ask, how much is a little girl worth? How much priority should be placed on communicating that the fullest weight of the law will be used to protect another innocent child from the soul shattering devastation that sexual assault brings? I submit to you that these children are worth everything. Worth every protection the law can offer. Worth the maximum sentence..."
I hope justice will be brought to the sexually abused victims, no matter where they live or who they are.
I hope, naively, that there will be no sexual abuse happen to our little girls in the future. They are well-protected and live and thrive under their culture.
I hope tomorrow will be a better world.

吹哨人:美国体操队性侵丑闻追踪Athlete A(2020)



主演:Maggie Nichols Gina Nichols Jo 

导演:邦尼·科恩 乔恩·申克 
