976年,一个娃娃哈里发即位,他妈妈垂帘听政,把大权交给了自己的情人Al-Mansur.Al-Mansur 向基督徒挑起战争,不但烧毁了科尔多瓦的图书馆,还去北方基督徒的地盘烧杀抢掠,用抢来的财富建造宫殿和供自己享乐,他甚至在997年攻占了Santiago de Conpostela,把大教堂的大门和铃铛都抢回了科尔多瓦。
11世纪科尔多瓦王朝灭亡后,南部的Al Andalus由各个穆斯林小国组成,而北部则是基督教王国的地盘,或者说是Warlords混战的战场。
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar就是其中之一,Later he would be known as El Cid. 他是Castilla&Leon国王Alfonso VI麾下的将军。经常奉命去南部的穆斯林国家收取贡金,然后中饱私囊。1079年,他更是未经授权就搅进了Granada和Seville的战争(the Battle of Cabra),彻底激怒了KIng Alfonso,Alfonson将他放逐。
La Alhambra原来是军事要塞,1313年才改成宫殿。因为Nasrid王朝实在是外强中干,用不起石头和大理石,所以Alhambra虽然雕刻繁复精美,但却都是雕在木头上的?其实Nasrid王朝也是苟延残喘,极尽奢华但是危机四伏内乱不断,埃米尔们大部分都是被暗杀的。
Isabel、Fernando、Juana (la Loca)和Felipe (el Hermoso)都埋在格拉纳达大教堂里。
Juana的儿子Carlos V和新婚妻子Isabel de Portugal在Seville成婚,并在Granada度蜜月。Carlos去打仗,Isabel留在了Granada并且年纪轻轻就香消玉殒,Carlos再也没有回到过Granada。
E03 Nation
1527 Felipe II (son of Carlos V and Isabel de Portugal) was born.
He was married to Mary (later known as Bloody Mary for her persecution of the Protestants), daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon.
Mary died and Elizabeth I took throne of England. Felipe was no longer King of England. However, his father Carlos V abdicated in 1556 and Felipe became King of Spain, the Netherlands, Milan, Sicily, Naples and the New World.
“Philip the Prudent”
1561 Felipe established Madrid as the Capital of Spain (before the Court was where the King was).
Felipe built San Lorenzo de El Escorial, political headquarter, palace, royal library and cathedral/monestry.
War against Protestant Netherlands —> War against Protestant England (1587) —> Spanish Armada sank —> Felipe’s health deteriorated, and he died 1598.
1621, Philip IV took throne at age 16. Olivares was his chief minister and the actual ruler. During Olivares’ rule, Catholicism and Protestantism relationship deteriorated further and Olivares finally was dispelled after 20 years of rule.
Philip IV‘s Patronage of Lope de Vega and Diego Velazquez.
Carlos II (Son of Philip IV), “the Bewitched”. 他死后,由他在波旁王朝的cousin即位 —》Charles IV (“the Hunter”) --》 his queen Maria Luisa was the actual ruler (her lover: Manuel de Godoy took power).
1808年,拿破仑和Godoy合谋瓜分葡萄牙,然而法国军队一旦进驻马德里,便不肯离开了。5月2日,马德里群众和法军爆发冲突,数十人被捕,次日被集体枪杀,戈雅的名作The Third of May 1808就是描述的这个事件。
在英国人(later Duke of Wellington)的帮助下,西班牙的法国人被赶走,拿破仑也最终被打败。